We have had first-time CrossFitters attend all the way to Regional athletes, and everyone in-between. We welcome you to bring a friend that’s never experienced this type of training, or the person that doesn’t think they’re “fit enough,” to attend. If you struggle with tough skills or the fundamentals of gymnastics and weight lifting, this is a place for you to make progress! Learning drills, modifications, adjusting movement patterns, and encouraging quality layering of steps is what the AgerBomb Seminar is all about! The motivational speaking piece to kick off the seminar is free of charge. Please bring friends to experience listening to Andrea as she tells stories about the CrossFit Games, life lessons learned in and out of the gym, and how the road to success isn’t always what it looks like on the outside. You will leave inspired to pursue your dreams and even when the going gets tough, to never give up. Register by clicking the link below
COST: $113/person (early bird until 06/23); $119/person (after 06/23)
– notebook and paper! Revelations during the talk, during drills or after drills to take some notes.
– Sweatshirts, extra layers of clothing and fresh tank tops. Depending on the season, insulation, weather, good to be prepared.
– Bring at least two snacks and a water bottle.
– Wear workout clothes, tight or loose fitting, and flat shoes. Weightlifting shoes and lucky headbands are optional.
– A good attitude! Let’s bring the energy and have a BLAST TOGETHER! 😉
– 2x CrossFit Games Team Division athlete
– 2011 Brick CrossFit, 5th place
– 2016 Team Dynamix, 4th place
– 6x CrossFit Regionals competitor 2011-2016
– NY Rhino GRID body weight specialist 2014, 2015, 2016
– Mesa State University Track & Field Hurdler 2006-2010
– Faith Rx’d NYC Chapter Director
AgerBomb Seminars have been held in Australia, Africa, Europe, South America, and all over the United States. Andrea has had the honor of teaching in 30 different states and is totaling at 60+ seminars over the last three years.