- CrossFit level 2
Born and raised in Boise, Idaho, I grew up loving all things outdoors. From camping in the summer time to skiing in the winters, we were always active. However, through all seasons, I was continually playing soccer. Soccer was my first true love.
I played soccer in college at Indiana Wesleyan University where I majored in Physical Education and Health. After college, I continued to play recreationally and picked up running. I have done over a dozen half marathons and 2 marathons, the Marine Corps and the London marathons. I also did an internship in England coaching sports to inner city youth and playing in a women’s league. Sports have definitely offered me a lot of great experiences.
I found Crossfit in 2008 while training for several upcoming half marathons. Since then I have been hooked! I have also been in the best shape of my life since finding Crossfit. I wish I would have had this during my soccer days!!
The thing I love most about Crossfit, is the community. I have had at least 3 major moves around the country since starting Crossfit and each time the first thing I do is find a good box. I have made lifelong, best friends since joining Crossfit! From Idaho, to Virginia, and now to Texas… Crossfit brings people together for a common goal. It unites strangers, gives them a reason to engage, and forces them to work hard amidst peers. It’s true commraderie. And I love it!
I started coaching in 2010. I interned under Headquarters Staff for 1 year before leading a class of my own. I thrive on teaching people to move properly and to feel the correct form of movements. I believe in the motto Mechanics, Consistency, Intensity. We must first be able to do the movement correctly and consistently before we push harder and heavier. I believe Crossfit is for everyone. With the right coaching and adaptations, all people, of all skill levels and walks of life, can find benefit in this style of exercise.
- I have the best workout ever when I’m listening to: Good music, have my favorite buddies with me, and I’m wearing a costume!
- I’m challenged by: My desire to do better than the last time.
- When I’m not working out: I’m hanging with my 2 tiny humans, my husband, and my friends!
- You’ll see me smiling when: I get to talk to adults! I spend A LOT of time with 2 kids under 3:)
- If I were an animal I’d be: a Unicorn! (does that count?!?!)