Nutrition- What should we eat?

“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand. pirouettes, flips, splits and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc., hard and fast. Five or six days a week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.”
Greg Glassman-Founder of Crossfit

Most CrossFit athletes follow the Paleo or Zone Diet, or a combination of both. Below you will find information on both!

PALEO DIET: (source: Wikipedia)

The paleolithic diet (abbreviated paleo diet or paleodiet), also popularly referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet and hunter-gatherer diet, is a modern nutritional plan based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals that various hominid species habitually consumed during the Paleolithic era—a period of about 2.5 million years duration that ended around 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture. In common usage, such terms as the “Paleolithic diet” also refer to the actual ancestral human diet.[1][2] Centered on commonly available modern foods, the “contemporary” Paleolithic diet consists mainly of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, vegetables, fruit, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, and processed oils. For more information click here.

ZONE DIET: (source: Wikipedia)

The diet centers on a “40:30:30″ ratio of calories obtained daily from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, respectively. The ideal formula has been under debate, although studies over the past several years (including a non-scientific study by the PBS documentary show Scientific American Frontiers) have shown that it can produce weight loss at reasonable rates. The Scientific American Frontiers study compared the effectiveness of several popular ‘diet’ regimens including the Zone; somewhat to the surprise of the show’s staff, the participants on the Zone experienced the greatest fat loss while simultaneously gaining muscle mass.Participants also reported the Zone as the easiest regime to adjust to, i.e., having the fewest adverse effects such as fatigue or hunger.Most people who report fatigue find that the fatigue diminishes by day 2 or 3. For more information, click here.


Do you want to take your fitness to the next level and jump start your back to school program? Why not try the 21 Day Challenge? I challenge you all to a September 5th start date. Get your kids back to school, get your workouts entered into your calendar and let see what September holds. For more details email us!